Brand Promotion

Internet has become a driving force for brand globalization. It has granted an increasing speed to the wheel of business transaction. That accounted for more brands embracing the internet. No brand exists today without a Google resume. Having established that there are several opportunities for brand to promote and build engagement on the internet without much cost. Our discussion today will centre on one of these opportunities offered by the internet. The internet comes with a possibility of holding a web seminar-this is called seminar on the internet- with various categories of audience while they remain at the confinement of their chosen locations. They must have internet access on their PC.

Holding a web seminar requires that the brand has a software that can help in this regard. Basically such softwares are free. Only that it requires a proper briefing of brand teams that will handle the web seminar. Anyone who is interested can get the rudiment in few minutes. To begin with, what a brand needs is to first identify the target audience. Because the target audience will determine what the content of the entire web seminar will look like.

The target audience may be brand sales team in different locations or they can be customers who need update on brand product and services. The web seminar may also target potentials. In this case the essence is to create awareness and sell advantages of partnering with the brand. Other things to take note of are the title of the web seminar-must be appealing to target audience, the date has to be chosen with careful consideration for the target audience location. There is no need for holding a web seminar without the target audience attendance. The brand needs to send invitation on time through phone calls, fax, emails and other means that can reach the audience.

In preparing also, send reminder, get your entire presentation ready before the deal date and if possible the brands team should have a rehearsal to be sure that everything is properly set. This will show professionalism on your part as well as increase brand perception. Remember first impression still counts. If you mess up the first time, you may not get the participants attention when next you call. Be careful also to use easy to understand technology for both your team as well as the participants.

You must build excitement throughout the web seminar otherwise you may not be able to sustain their interests, be absolutely prepare for question time. In this regard, get all the props you need to be present before you go life. Be sure the main speaker is interesting and keep a smiling face all through. Do not forget to record the session also for those who can not make it. The recorded version can be sent to them. This adds credibility. It also shows that the web seminar was held as promised. After the web seminar make sure you follow up on the decisions that were jointly reached.

The following benefits are accrueable to a brand that annexes this method. Time and cost saving: a web seminar allows the brand to safe cost and time on getting all the participants in a physical location. It also helps to reach greater audience and generates lead from unsolicited audience who may have seen the advert on the internet. It helps to build brand as a resource for participants understanding of what the brand stands for. In conclusion, it helps build strong rapport, generates feedback for the brand from potential clients.


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