Communication is Key
In any situation, communication is key. If there is no communication, not much happens. This is also true of the body. It is almost inconceivable to imagine how every cell of the body communicates with each other. If you can picture all six billion people on Earth, picking up a cordless phone and having a conversation with other people, then clicking into a three way call, then a conference call, talking to thousands of people all at once, you will get the picture of the diversity and complexity of communication in your body. Depending on the quality and strength of your phone will depend on how many people you can talk to and how good the reception is. Basically it all comes down to the wireless network and how it is functioning. When your spleen wants to talk to your liver, it needs a phone line to do it, just like any other communication process in the body. So what are all body communication processes dependent on? The answer is pH.
The pH of your cells, tissues and organs reflects the state of cleanliness in your body. Toxins, acids and debris in your body is like having static on the phone line. Nobody hears very well and things get mis-communicated or missed entirely. The closer your saliva and urine are to 7.35 and 7.42, the better your body communication will be and the better your health and vitality will be.
The pH scale is the efficiency expert in the body, determining how the body will function, how healthy it will be and how much vitality will shine forth. A listless, dull, droopy energy shows how dirty and acidic the body is. Sluggish communication cannot help but create a tired and exhausted body. The liver cannot hear the spleen talking above the static in the line.
When the amount of rubbish in body becomes overwhelming and the acidity increases, the body can do nothing else but relocate the acidic waste into the fat cells, connective tissue and extra-cellular fluids. This compromises cell integrity because the gates that push in nutrients and pull out waste are now attempting to feed on its own waste, as it does not discriminate on what it consumes. Cells have no discernment, no filter.
All metabolic processes in the body depend on a balanced pH. As wastes build up, cellular fluid backs up, and the acids start irritating and inflaming cells and tissues. The acids starts corroding and further irritating tissues and cells. Communication crawls along, the brain dulls, the body hurts and the joy drains out of life.
To reverse this process, it is necessary to alkalize the body, to raise the pH by a change of lifestyle, a commitment to being well. There are lots of alkaline foods lists on the internet. A big hint to eating more alkaline is to eat green. The more green you can put on your plate and eat, the better. Keeping the phone lines clear is paramount to keeping you well.
Once you understand how your body works, you may be more sympathetic to its needs and be more willing to take better care of your health. After all, where else are you going to live, especially if the phones don't work.
Jean Perrins is a retired nurse and an alkaline, ionized water specialist. She has been field testing the effects of structured water on health in her clinic with sometimes astounding results. It is clear that water has an affect on health that we, in the West are just beginning to understand. |
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