Your Teleseminar
Establishing good rapport with the attendees of your teleseminar is extremely important if you are hoping they will buy any products or services from you. Trust is one of the easiest things to ruin so here are a few tips on making sure you build, instead of destroy their trust.
Once you decide on the time frame of your teleseminar, stick to it. You cannot afford to have people who are thinking of buying your products waiting for 90 minutes when they were only supposed to be on the call for 30 minutes. If you start losing callers you will certainly lose sales.
Make sure that you turn off any phone line add-ons that may not help your call, like call waiting. If someone calls the line you are using while you are on a teleseminar, then everyone on the teleseminar may hear the beeping and be distracted. They may also automatically be bumped from the call cue due to exceeding demand on the lines.
Stop worrying about making a ton of money from your teleseminars. When a host is worried about pushing products, the callers will pick up on the urgency and interpret it as desperation. This kills sales rates and causes many people to remember you more for a negative thing, than the positive you want them to remember you for.
Do not forget the intent of your call. There is not a caller on the line who did not call in to listen to and receive the valuable information you are presenting, so don't meander into the darkest recesses of your mind because you can not remember exactly what you are supposed to present. Simply relax, and understand that many of your customers may end up being your friends once they use your products.
Your customers are waiting for you to be the niche expert they think you are, so do them a great turn and be that. Develop your influence through your teleseminars while ensuring they get something of great value they brag to their friends about.
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