
Showing posts from December, 2010

Conferencing Software

Video conferencing Software The term network marketing is often linked to businesses that coerce you, to sell to all you friends so that you end up with no friends. Sorry to be so blunt, but that is, what the general understanding of what network marketing is. But what if you had a product that is tied to business productivity and is a tool that people are using all the time. If I said videoconferencing to you instead of network marketing perhaps your eyes would not roll into the back of your head. So, if the product had a network marketing element and a business productivity element, you'd be getting the best of both worlds. Business and network marketing connections. As a business owner or in the chain of command, as something that can boost your business and save transport and meeting costs, Web video conferencing has a place in your business. So what is Web videoconferencing, how does web videoconferencing work, well as the name suggests, It's a way to communicate via the I...

Video Teleconferencing

Is there a difference between video conferencing and video teleconferencing? The answer is no because it is the same thing. The system enables two parties or more to communicate with each other and see each other face to face. Making a call using this system is very similar to a telephone call. Once you make a connection, you are able to see the other party then talk to them or transfer files also known as document sharing or white boarding. This works by compressing video systems with the help of codecs that provide high quality picture and sound at no extra cost to the user. Aside from the codec, the user will also need a monitor, a camera, microphone, speaker and the network connection. With the tool in hand, you are able to use the time you have more productively, save millions of dollars in travel expenses, have shorter meetings and make it easy to call one whenever it is needed as well an increase your connection with the outside world. You also won't have a hard time looking...

Advanced Tool

Teleconferencing services is the advance technology which is specially designed to facilitates the business firms. Hence, business organizations of almost all the sizes are widely using this technology to manage and enhance their businesses. Over the past few years, travel-related costs like lodging, airfare, meals are increasing at such a fast pace which is greater than that of inflation rate. Therefore, it turns the meetings an inefficient and costly way to conduct business, particularly when participants must travel a great distance. Hence, an alternative meeting format called teleconferencing may be a solutions which makes the travel budget static or decreased. Teleconferencing is an advance and effective business communication tool. Nowadays, many organizations are using this technology to sell/buy the products and services. They also advise customers and vendors, conduct research, teach new business applications and implementation of modern theories. Thus, teleconferencing has wi...