Video Conferencing
With the changing world of technology, video conference option has been used more often by companies than in past years. A few benefits of video conference is the fact that you can talk and see someone from a long distance including from one state or country to another. Video conference was first introduced by AT&T in the 1970's as a Picturephone. This technology was something that had been in the works for years but no one could figure out how to put it all together into one telephone system. The fad of video conferencing faded with the lack of a clearer image and the ability to make it better. Then in the 1980's the first system appeared as an ISDN network and then from there expanded throughout the world. One of the first video conferencing was sold by the Picture Corporation in November of 1984. Throughout the 1990s there were many changes that needed to take place on the technology end to make the picture clear as well as the sound to have better quality. The video con...